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"While Ron's books are very good, he is even better in person!"
-- Mary, California

Welcome to Smart Stepfamilies

Our goal is getting you smart about blended family living. Whether dating or married with stepchildren, a stepmom or stepfather, a stepgrandparent, ministry leader, mentor, relationship coach, or therapist we can help.

Created by bestselling author, therapist, and blended family expert Ron Deal, Smart StepfamiliesTM (and sister organization FamilyLife Blended®) empowers couples and stepfamilies for successful family living and trains leaders, coaches, and professionals to help blended families.

Our Story
Ron Deal with his wife Nan.
Ron Deal speaking at a event.

#1 Most Widely Used Blended Family Curriculum

The Smart Stepfamily 8-session DVD Series


Read articles or watch videos from the largest online library available for stepfamilies and those who serve them.



Listen to practical and inspirational conversations on the FamilyLife Blended podcast featuring Ron Deal.


Preparing to Blend

Learn about the leading premarital preparation resource for engaged couples.



Find a Recognized Smart Stepfamily Therapy Provider® in your area or who offers virtual support to couples & families.


  • Get The Mindful Marriage (for every couple) and the SMART STEPFAMILY SERIES, the best selling series of books & videos for blended families, trusted by thousands
  • Ron Deal, author/coauthor and Consulting Editor


What People are Saying.

Educate: Blended Family Ministry & Professional Training

Stepfamily Ministry: Because Marriage Ministry is NOT Enough.

Many people are surprised to hear us make the above statement, but over a decade of specializing in stepfamily ministry has taught us that it is the truth: typical marriage education programs and ministries are not sufficient for couples in stepfamilies. Since marriage in a stepfamily is a "package deal" you must minister to both the couple and "the package." This means addressing dynamics related to ex-spouses and co-parenting, loss, stepparenting, spiritual shame, finances, and the expectations of both children and adults--just to name a few. To do anything less is grossly inadequate to prevent divorce.


"The church needs to be more involved in blended family ministry."

- Dr. Gary Chapman bestselling author of The Five Love Languages as heard on Building Relationships radio broadcast

Contact us today about the possibility of hosting a conference. Together, you can make a difference in the lives of people.